Recommended Books on Life
Getting Things Done, by David Allen
How to organize your life, once and for all, to become the productive, energized person you were meant to be. This book could change your life. Are you up for it? -
Loving What Is, by Byron Katie
Seriously unhappy about anything in your life? This book is all about getting happy again, with simple tools that work for any situation that has you feeling stuck. -
Becoming Vegan, by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina
You know you want to take good care of your body. This book was written by professional dieticians, and it gets into the nuts and bolts of what your body needs, nutritionally. -
Gift from the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
This book is a timeless work of art and a meditative journal on life. I did not realize it was written many decades ago until I finished the last page and read the author's biography (clueing in simultaneously to her well-established historical prominence). She wrote with grace and clarity. In spite of a full family life, she managed to find pockets of time for solitude and reflection. I took inspiration from her profound insights, written during extended and meaningful excursions to the beach. -
Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything,
by Joshua Foer
A surprising treatise on how people remember, accompanied by an amusing account of the author's attempt to win a national memory contest. -
Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction
to Carnism,
by Melanie Joy
You may be used to asking vegetarians why they don't eat meat. This book will make you ask why any people do. - More to come ...